A few years ago, I decided I’d had enough of other people’s crap.
You know what I mean – those people who spin tales just for the sake of it. They tell you what they think you want to hear instead of the truth and never really get to the point. Well, I’d had enough of it. From family and friends to business associates, I’d decided to make sure others around me were being straight and I was going to be straight with them, even when it was hard.
In honour of the decision, here is a list of my top 10 favourite straight-shooters and what they did to get there.
10. Eleanor Roosevelt – when she found out her husband had been unfaithful, Eleanor reinvented herself, becoming independent and the woman history recalls. She didn’t hold FDR’s infidelity over his head, instead she changed herself and even became his eyes and ears when he developed polio.
9. Alain Vigneault – in almost every interview, when asked what matters to him, the Vancouver Canucks’ coach stays focused on one thing – winning games. No matter what the press says or does, he stays focused on his purpose.
8. Whoopi Goldberg – She has had her dark moments, but Whoopi, like few others, remains in the public eye and continues to entertain without taking shots at her culture to do so.
7. Jane Goodall – Despite having worked with chimps since 1960, it wasn’t until 1986 that Goodall became exposed to the suffering of chimps in captivity. She continued her research, but added a different element to ensure the world stood up and paid attention.
6. Margaret Thatcher – Love her or hate her (and there are many in both camps) she stuck to her beliefs of what had to be done to get England through a very difficult period in time. She didn’t get caught up in what was being said about her and she continued to show up for work for 11 years.
5. Svend Robinson – He stole a ring from an auction. Not good. But it was what he did after stealing the ring that lands him on my list. He could have kept the ring and never spoken a word. He could have returned it anonymously. What he did was publicly confess to taking it, ending his political career – but he did the right thing in the end, even knowing what the consequences would be.
4. Brooke Shields – Back when famous people kept their emotions private, after recovering from post-partum depression, Shields made her battle with the condition very public, in the hopes of helping others.
3. Johnny Carson – In 1967, Carson had the opportunity to shut up and fly right or challenge convention. He went up against NBC during a strike and won the freedom over his show – paving the way for future performers.
2. Ellen DeGeneres – Coming from a conservative family, Ellen’s “coming out” to her mother, friends and fans was a challenge each time she faced it. Now, she is a powerful role model for both gay and non-gay individuals to learn about acceptance.
1. Donald Trump – Here’s another person that has followers in both the ‘love’ and ‘hate’ camps. One thing I admire him for is coming back, perhaps a bit humbled, after the early 1990s collapse of his empire. Sure he’s obnoxious and pretentious, but he never denies the pains that got him there.
I’d like to add one more to the list – Marci Deane. No, I’ve never publicly had a defining moment of truth like these folks, but I’ve been honest with people when it’s been hard. I’ve had times when I’ve told potential clients to stay with their bank because that was the best option for them. I recently told other potential clients to not buy now because it would be too much of a strain on their budget.
The truth is far more important to me than making a deal.