Christmas is one of my favourite times of year, but having a family and being an entrepreneur is stressful enough without throwing Christmas into the mix!
I’ve been consciously trying to make the season more about family and less about obligations in the last few years. It’s not easy, but here are a few of the things I’ve been working on to keep focused on what matters to me:
– I make a list and plan to shop in late November (this year that was bumped to early December!!). It’s usually a weekend trip to get all the big gifts and other items taken care of in 24 or 48 hours. This allows me the time to enjoy the delights that come with December – baking, decorating and time with my husband and the kids.
– I try to keep my calendar as clear as possible during December because there is plenty going on. I won’t over commit myself socially. If it’s going to be a strain to fit something in, I do my best to decline.
– At the same time, I make some time for some down time and a catching up with friends. There is nothing better to “de-stress’ than and evening off, enjoying a glass of wine, good food and good company!!
In our house, one Christmas tradition is baking. My daughter and I do a lot of it together and she has become a huge help as she’s gotten older. Gingerbread cookies, and Jam Thumbprint cookies are a must!
Another mother / daughter Christmas activity we always find time for is a live show. We’ve seen Annie, the VSO’s concerts and It’s a Wonderful Life. We attended Skate Canada’s Holiday on Ice show this year and my daughter was delighted to receive a hug from her idol, Joannie Rochette! That’s a holiday memory she will never forget….. In the kids’ younger years we did the Christmas train in Stanley Park, but now that they are older their interests have changed.
I try not to get caught up in making everything perfect. This is hard! But, one thing I do want to be perfect is the tree. We always get a big, full tree and have it up by the second week in December. Christmas morning comes with cinnamon buns and French toast – both are prepped the night before. Turkey dinner is usually at our house with friends and our extended family to join us.
Christmas is a big deal in our house. It’s hard to keep everything under control, but I pick the things that are important to me and try not to get overwhelmed by the things that aren’t. Whatever is important to you, I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful Holiday Season!