guest post by Ronda Payne, Girl with a Pen
This one is particularly timely today as we said good-bye to our 18 year old cat Sierra. Thank you to my friend Ronda Payne for sharing.
A few weeks ago, the amazing dog who had lived with me for 10 ½ years passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. The vet figures it was a stroke, and the fact is, my one-of-a-kind girl was almost 15.
Despite the fact that she’d live a full and happy life the loss left my heart cleaned and gutted for a few days, but I was surprised at how quickly I recovered. Sure, I am still sad and miss her terribly, but the mourning became manageable, almost minor.
Why? I wondered. I’d been inconsolable in the past when a precious four-legged companion passed away. What was different this time?
While I’m happy I can mourn my beautiful dog without being overcome by it, I explored why the grief in losing this special animal has been easier than expected. I came up with three reasons:
1. There are other pets in the house.
While multiple animal companions aren’t possible in every household, I’m lucky that we anticipated this day and added a second dog to the pack. By having another dog, and the cat, the house isn’t empty of animal love and we grieve together.
2. I let it out while recalling the good things.
I’m not holding back my tears. When they come, I cry fully and completely. But, when I was feeling overwhelmed by the grief, I balanced that with one of the many amazing memories I have of that fantastic dog.
3. I remind myself I loved her as much as I could in the time we had.
There was nothing more I could have done with that dog. I loved her as completely and fully as I possibly could. I miss her, but I have not regrets about how our time together was spent.
Grief is hard and losing an animal companion can take a long time to recover from. I found that by having other pets in the house, letting the sadness out while recalling the good things and reminding myself of how much love we shared, losing the dog I loved for more than a decade was just a little bit easier.